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11 November 2026
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Medical Tourism
Oral and Dental Health
Oral and Dental Health

Special ceramics are used in dentistry to give patients realistic, natural-looking smiles. Unlike other dental restoratives, IPS E-Max is a ceramic material that combines strength and beauty.


Health Guide

E Max Coating

Special ceramics are used in dentistry to give patients realistic, natural-looking smiles. Unlike other dental restoratives, IPS E-Max is a ceramic material that combines strength and beauty. All-ceramic dental restorations do not contain metal. Therefore, the light can shine through them, as in natural teeth.

E-Max Porcelain Advantages:
  • One of the most advantageous aspects is that it has an aesthetic appearance. On the other hand, since it does not contain metal, it does not cause an allergic reaction. There is no purplish color formation on the gums and the edges of the teeth.
  • Another feature is that it does not damage the tooth structure. The substances in its content are the most compatible structures with the tooth.
  • Since it has light transmittance, it does not have a matte appearance.
  • Color options are quite large. Its outer structure is slippery and smooth. Minimizes tooth sensitivity.
  • Slippery surface almost prevents tartar formation. This prevents the occurrence of gum disease.


In which cases is E max Coating Applied?
Yellowed Teeth: 

Say goodbye to your yellowed teeth with E-Max veneers. Since E-Max veneers are transparent, highly resistant to breakage and bending, they offer you new teeth with excellent aesthetics instead of your existing teeth.

Curved Teeth:

 E-Max is a preferred treatment type for aesthetic teeth, especially for the anterior region, restoring the structure and shape of crooked teeth. It gives optimum aesthetic results while designing smile aesthetics in the anterior region.

Teeth with Root Canal Treatment:

 Teeth with root canal treatment tend to be brittle and fragile. E-Max veneers are also a good option for the repair of weak teeth that have undergone such root canal treatment and have a fragile structure, in addition to the aesthetic perfection they provide.

Broken Teeth: 

Teeth broken due to extensive dental caries or trauma can also be treated with E-Max dental veneers.

Reasons for Preferring E max Coating:
  • E-Max tooth coating is especially preferred for front teeth. It is in the first place among the coating materials applied to provide dental aesthetics.
  • Full ceramic dental veneers, which provide an ideal harmony with the person's own teeth, are used as the closest material to the natural exterior in terms of light reflecting aesthetically. Even in different light sources, it looks similar to the tooth.
  • There is no metal substructure in the material in E Max tooth coating application. The gray color of the metal does not interact with my gums and thus its natural appearance can be obtained. With this feature, it is the same material as zirconium dental crowns.
  •  E Max coating is glass ceramic. The material has sufficient resistance to chewing forces. Coatings made with lithium disilicate are resistant to chewing forces. They can be used without causing a problem when applied.
  • System is produced with CAD CAM milling system. It is produced using a high quality monolithic lithium disylate block.
  • Since the material can be applied very thin, it allows less tooth cutting. In this way, the teeth are less sensitive. Although the material is thin, its durability is high.
Why is E max Porcelain not applied to all teeth?

E-Max application is not preferred much in patients with long tooth loss. This is because; It is not suitable for long tooth cavity construction. Metal-containing coatings are preferred, especially since the strength is based on the back grinding teeth. Due to its structure, E-Max is more suitable for the structure of the anterior incisors. It is applied to the anterior and visible teeth of patients who have E-Max done visually due to aesthetic concern.

How Long Is E max Coating Used?

It is difficult to give a clear answer to this question. However, if cleaning and oral care is done regularly, you can use it for many years without any problems. Having the condition of the tooth checked twice a year will also increase the duration of use. Touches that require early intervention are very important.

E max Coating Disadvantages

Since no metal material is used, it is not preferred for posterior grinding teeth. It is slightly more costly than metal coatings. However, this amount is not much for those who keep the visual in the first place.

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